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Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Mysterious Allure of Queen Nefertiti - Part One

Queen Nefertiti achieved historic noteriety as the wife of the misshapen King Akenaten. To this day she is considered among the most alluring and beautiful women of ancient Egypt. When the bust of her image was discovered in the 19th century it revealed an exceptionally beautiful woman wearing a tall headdress. Though no clothing of the icon was obviously included on the bust, she shined supreme with a glorious slip of ornate jewelry.

Later when the bust of Nefertiti was fitted into a a costume that was discovered in her sepulcher it caused a significant controversy among Egyptologists and the public alike. The outfit itself consisted of little more than an overlay of thin sheer material low cut to reveal the shape of her breasts and her body line, which revealed the impact of having given birth to seven children. To many, this representation was vulgar at the very least. After much debate and concern among many historians, the costume was eventually removed so that to the eyes of the world all that remains is the regal imagery of the adornments and characteristic aristocratic headdress of arguably to most captivating beauties in history.

In the next blog posting we'll explore the scandalous secret of the aristocratic headdress and the taboo look it was intended to achieve.

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